Episode 11: The Olympian Gods
Welcome to another season of the Greek Myth Files, our third, which will run into the middle of 2021. This season’s theme will be “The Black Sea,” taking us away from the Greek world and into unknown or obscure places in the distant east. But before we talk about Amazons and Golden Fleeces, listeners have asked us to offer an overview of the Olympian gods and how the Greek and Roman names are related. These are the gods that the remaining episodes will feature along with the great Greek heroes as they travel around the world and meet new and often exotic others.
New this season will be visual aids, including maps and other nuggets, as well as original art by an outstanding student artist, Allina Podgurski, whose interpretations of the myths will grace these files as episode tiles. Scroll down and search for some clever allusions to myths associated with Apollo!
For this episode, we provide below a map of places referenced, as well as an image that shows the Greek and Roman equivalents for the Olympian gods.
Locations mentioned in the episode.
List of Greek gods and their Roman equivalents
The god Apollo—can you spot allusions to myths associated with him? Artwork by Allina Podgurski.
Written and Narrated by R. Scott Smith
Sound Engineer: Samantha Coetzee
Voice Actors (in order of appearance): Julia Sommer, A. J. O’Neil
Artwork: Allina Podgurski
Music: Brooklyn Tea by Jared Sims