A Podcast About All Things Greek Myth
Brought to you by the University of New Hampshire Classics Program and its crack team of undergraduates

Episode 26: Atlas, Man or Mountain?
In this episode, we consider the rich myth of Atlas, the son of the Titan Iapetos, and the many myths and interpretation that surround him. The original tile art is by Beatrice Mattison—thanks, Beatrice!

Episode 21: Typhoios, Illuyankas and Hittites, Oh My!
Typhoios, a god whose hands were like engines of war, / whose feet never gave out, from whose shoulders grew / the hundred heads of a frightful dragon / flickering dusky tongues, and the hollow eye sockets / in the eerie heads sent out fiery rays / and each head burned with flame as it glared. (from Hesiod’s Theogony)